Who We Are
In 2023, a group of individuals in New Westminster came together as a working group to discuss an opportunity to create a local Neighbourhood House that would operate out of the St. Barnabas Anglican Hall and Parish.
St. Barnabas Parish is actively welcoming the community with ad-hoc drop-in programs, and the number of residents seeking support is rising nearly every week. Feedback from the Community Advisory Committee shows that while St. Barnabas Parish has been supporting some community-based programs, the space isn’t being fully utilized, and the demand is growing.
With initial funding support from the Alexandra Foundation, the working group completed Phase 1 of this project. Key activities in this phase included forming an Advisory Committee, drafting a governance structure, and planning a community engagement event.
The tasks were designed to assess the feasibility of developing a Neighbourhood House at the St. Barnabas site. Through Phase 1, various meetings with partner organizations were held to explore future opportunities and discuss strategic planning, including conversations with the leadership at St. Barnabas around long-term planning and the legal requirements to use the site to operate the Neighbourhood House.
The St. Barnabas Anglican Parish would like to provide an opportunity for a Neighbourhood House to operate out of its physical space in New Westminster. This project will establish a local Neighbourhood House as a not-for-profit society and allow the new society to create structure and policy around programming and governance, as it pertains to sharing the space. With its physical space and location in the City, St. Barnabas is well-positioned to offer its space.
As part of the feasibility phase, an advisory committee was also established to support the process and guide the project through the initial stages of planning and community engagement.
Committee members of the working group and advisory committee are as follows:
The Working Group (to be replaced with a board of directors – Sept 2024)
- Kimberly Barwich – Burnaby Neighbourhood House
- Tasha Henderson – Community Member
- Nadine Nakagawa – Community Member
- Dana Osiowy – New Westminster Family Place
- Shannon Payne – St. Barnabas Anglican Church
- Emilie Smith – St. Barnabas Anglican Church
- Shannon Tennant – Shiloh Fifth Avenue United Church
The Advisory Committee (disbanded with the completion of the feasibility phase)
- David Hendry – New Westminster Tenants Union
- Brook Jenson – New Westminster Tenants Union
- Raj Pangly – St. Barnabas Childcare Society
- Rick Vugteveen – Brow of the Hill Residents Association
- Joy St. John – St. Aiden’s Don’t Go Hungry Food Support Program
- Sara Shaw – Burnaby Neighbourhood House
- Bettina Wheeler – New Westminster Homelessness Coalition Society
We are grateful for our sponsor:

New West Neighbourhood House holds our meetings and events on the unceded and unsurrendered land of Halq’eméylem / hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people. We recognize that this acknowledgement is a tiny piece in the larger context of the ongoing work that must be done to challenge the legacies of colonialism and create palpable disruptive change and true reconciliation