We believe in community!

What is a Neighbourhood House?

A neighbourhood house is a community-based organization that provides a welcoming space for local residents to gather, learn, and connect. It offers a variety of programs and services, such as educational workshops, recreational activities, social support, and cultural events, tailored to the needs of the community. Neighbourhood houses often focus on inclusivity, fostering a sense of belonging and community engagement, and are typically open to people of all ages and backgrounds. They serve as hubs for social interaction, skill development, and community building.

The need for a neighbourhood house in New Westminster has been identified by several community organizations and residents throughout the City. As New Westminster continues to grow and welcome unprecedented numbers of community members, including many families, we know that the city would benefit from a neighbourhood house model to support the gaps in current programs and services.​

Our Values

Joy & Fun – We understand the importance of fostering a sense of joy, fun, and celebration within our community.

Disability Justice – We firmly believe in the inherent worth of every individual and are dedicated to ensuring that no body or mind is left behind.

Anti-Racism, Decolonization, and Reconciliation – Our organization takes a proactive stance against all forms of racism, particularly anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism.

Anti-Oppression – Creating an inclusive space that centres the voices of those marginalized by systems of oppression is paramount to our mission.

Accountability – Acknowledging our mistakes and prioritizing the needs of those who have been harmed are integral to our growth as an organization and as individuals.